Written by Monique Asha • Posted on October 20 2021
Quite possibly the biggest adventure of my life was the one to find myself. I had spent almost my whole 20's exploring different relations careers and social groups trying to find the place where I fit, where I belonged. I was in and out of social groups and traveled to different cities and countries. I had a deep-down feeling that there was so much more to life than what was on the surface. Although I fell in love with many people and so many people added so much joy to my life I still needed something.
It might sound silly to go to the other side of the world to find yourself especially when we all wake up with ourselves every day. It wasn't me that I had lost but the ability to connect with myself in a deeper way than I had experienced before. I had finally found what I was looking for. A way that provided deep fulfillment no matter where I was and that was through the yogic path of self-connection.